How to Be(come) an Anti-Racist Scholar?

This is an invitation to the next meeting with ArA:s group ”How to Be(come) an Anti-Racist Scholar”.

We will meet at Wednesday January 24, 10.30. The venue will be Malmö university, Niagara, room NI:B814. Only MAU-staff have access to this floor, but I will meet up anyone who needs to be let in at the reception on the ground floor.

At the meeting we will discuss what our goal(s) should be for the spring. Several suggestions have been proposed, but we need not limit our discussion to these:

Creating a seminar where scholars can discuss problems in their research and/or new research ideas

Organizing a workshop during the latter half of the spring semester, possibly with invited speakers

Creating a reading group for students, on the lines of what Gender Trouble Makers are doing in Lund

Feel free to join us!
Robert Nilsson Mohammadi

Event on Facebook.

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