Antirasistiska Akademin (ArA) in collaboration with The Research Support Office at Malmö University organizes a workshop on project planning and grant writing on 23 May. The workshop is open to everyone interested in developing projects in research, education, and public outreach. For example, research on discrimination and segregation; critical race theory; anti-oppressive education; collaborations with communities and anti-racist organizations, etc.
During the workshop, we will:
- discuss how to write a project proposal
- present and develop project ideas
- explore different funding opportunities
- read and comment on projects outlines
- write and co-write proposals
Time: 2018-05-23 12:00–14:00
Venue: Room NIC C8026
Bring your own lunch!
The event is part of Antirasistiska Akademin’s How to Be(come) an Anti-Racist Scholar-program.